Doing business with Americans? HSBC has some cultural advice

This entertaining article from Canada’s national current affairs magazine Maclean’s reminded me of something similar someone told me years ago. She told me that she had read a guide book for Japanese people planning on visiting the United States, and on the section for dining etiquette it said something like:

A popular American meal is the hamburger. It is important when you eat a hamburger that you hold it with both hands and eat it as quickly as possible without speaking.

I’ve always thought that that was a very funny insight. The article linked below has some entertaining points as well such as:

American table manners involve holding the fork in the right hand and using it to eat. Hold it tines up. The knife cuts and spreads things. To use it, switch the fork to your left hand. To eat, switch your fork back to your right hand.

For the full article, click the link below:

Doing business with Americans? HSBC has some hilarious cultural advice – Business, Business Blog –

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