Systematizing Processes and Creating Your Own User Manual

When I was in my mid-teens I happened to get a job working the grill at a local McDonald’s. To some people, the idea of working at McDonald’s is anathema because they see it is a job unworthy of anyone with skill. To some extent that is true, but I think that it was a tremendous job because it gave me the opportunity to learn some of the important things that you are supposed to learn growing up – responsibility, punctuality, diligence, teamwork, etc.

One of the most important things I learned in my time with Micky D was the importance of systematizing processes, and this post contains a few of my thoughts on the subject, as well as a link to instructions on creating your own personal user manual.

The main advantage of systematizing a process is that the process then becomes a cog in a bigger machine that can be refined or replaced as necessary over time. There is usually no need to retool the whole process chain just to make one step more efficient. This applies regardless of whether you are making a life-manual, producing a physical good, or otherwise.

Another important advantage of process systematization is that it allows someone largely unskilled in the task at hand to come into the system and be able to deliver on the outputs of the task with the inputs given. This is a huge advantage in even the smallest businesses where people might have to wear many hats, or where growth is such that people change roles frequently.

When designing a process, it is important to define the inputs that are to be worked with in the process, as well as the outputs. Too frequently people just try to focus on the desired outcome of a process without considering how the inputs are brought into the system. Often the real friction in a systemized process is between the steps, so it is important to make those transitions as smooth as possible.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that systematization or process improvement is only for big companies or companies that produce physical goods. It can make even your own personal life easier. Try it out today by first creating your own user manual according to the ideas at and then over time try to improve and refine your system and your manual to make your life easier and more efficient.

If it works for you, I’d love to hear about your success.

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