Wheel2Wheel Pecha Kucha

Friend Scott Coats has been busy over the past several months reviving PechaKucha in Bangkok and was kind enough to invite me to speak at the first two events that he organized.

PechaKucha presentations are in a format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and the speaker talks along with the images. Below is the speech that I gave at the fifth Bangkok PechaKucha night about the Wheel2Wheel charity of another good friend, Morgan Parker.

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How to Get to Inbox Zero With Gmail

I’ve long been a fan of Merlin Mann‘s Inbox Zero philosophy, although not with the religious fervor of some. One of the biggest problems with email is that it ends up being your to-do list. This isn’t bad in theory, but it allows almost anyone to put tasks on your list without your consent. This is not only unreasonable, but it is also highly inefficient and can be stressful.

As Merlin says:

It’s not how many mes­sages are in your inbox–it’s how much of your own brain is in that inbox. Especially when you don’t want it to be.

My good friend Daniel Fraser of Smiling Albino has recently been fighting with an overload of information vying for his attention in his inbox, so it was timely when I came across a page recently by Keith Rarick that outlined a quick method for getting to Inbox Zero with Gmail. Continue reading